Southampton Chess Club meets on Tuesday evenings, 7.00-10.30pm, from September to the end of May.
We meet at the St. Denys Community Centre, Priory Road, St. Denys, Southampton, SO17 2JZ.
If you’re coming for the first time, please arrive as soon after 7.00pm as possible – we’ll then have plenty of time to meet you and answer any questions you might have before we get playing at around 7.30.
Get in touch with us to find out more.

We start each season with a week for friendly, ungraded games, then a blitz tournament (see below), then our Annual General Meeting, and our season-long Club Championship will begin the week afterwards – on the fourth Tuesday of September.
We currently have 25-30 members encompassing a wide range of playing strengths. All Club members are welcome to play in various events:
(1) Club championship. Run every Tuesday (except on dates of quickplay events), although you don’t have to play each week. Just play 10 games over the whole season in order to qualify for prizes. These usually include three grading prizes, so there’s plenty to play for even if your ECF grade isn’t up there with the Club’s strongest players. We also have a knockout tournament that runs through the season. All games are ECF graded.
(2) Southampton league. We currently have three teams playing in the Southampton league (for details see the Southampton Chess League website).
(3) Blitz tournaments. We have three one-evening blitz tournaments: two use a ten-second buzzer, and the other uses the standard blitz time control of 3 minutes with a 2-second increment. Real fun events.
Club members regularly participate in weekend tournaments, including the Hampshire Congress (run by the Hampshire Chess Association in early November), and congresses at various locations across Hampshire and further afield. Come along and join in!
If you’re at all unsure about whether to come, or would like any further information, please email Club deputy president Dave Agostinelli, or call 07545 774096.

Meet our team

Kevin Sawers
President and Secretary

Dave Agostinelli
Deputy President and B-team captain

Fraser McLeod
A-team captain

Som Mitra
C-team captain